Saturday, November 1, 2008

Did i eat too much or the chicken had a lot of bones?


I have been back to the gym for a week. I don't really like the place because it's not too nice and there are too many people. The worse is that the people there work out in boxers, some people work out in formal stress, but this doesn't look more silly than the boxers. Anyway this is not my problem, instead i got a personal trainer who is a professional body builder and he is a national athletic. He trains me very well and take good care also. He train me alone with focus which is good. I hope to look better in three months.

Since going to the gym, i changed my dinner schedule with Mark from Wednesday to Saturday. Tonight we went to a nice restaurant and it was not too expensive, but the food was a bit sweet. I bet the chef must be a romantic person. haha.

In the picture you can see a lot of chicken bones and empty dishes. I didn't notice how much i ate, just after i finished i saw.... wow there are a lot of chicken bones on my plate... and the dishes were empty. Feeling of a little embarrass but... who cares? haha. By the way, my trainer told me to eat much meat.... so..... i am eating :-D

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