Saturday, November 3, 2007

First Big Presentation

I have done many presentations at school but this morning I had a big presentation for my company. It was my first big time and also important.

A big manufacturer of automatic electrical products in France, came to Cambodia to look for their distributor. We had to introduce them to our company, abilities, capabilities and marketing strategies toward their products. I was in charge for the presentation.

I’m so happy that I did a nice presentation and they like it. Everyone of them praise me, they said I was young but intelligent. One of them asked which school I went to ha ha. They like my presentation, but i hope better they also like our company and strategies so that we can be their distributor.

Unfortunately, the photo was taken by a phone-camera so that the quality of the photo is not satisfied.

From left to right: Muyly financial manager, Vithy managing director, Me was the presenter that morning, Alex senior vice president of South East Asia, Olivier country manager of Schneider Electric Vietnam & Cambodia, Lam sale manager of Vietnam & Cambodia, Sothy accounting manager of Cambodia, he took this photo so he can't be seen in this photo ha ha

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