Sunday, October 18, 2009

Advance and Actual Birthday Celebration


On Wednesday 14th, Rath and I went to visit Gina at her office (our university) after work. We then went to Sky Bar(The Place).

We had a great time there. We enjoyed the company of ours, the conversations, sharing stories, the drinks, the food, the atmostphere, the music, even taking photos. When the waitress asked if we need anything else to order, Gina said not really we came here to take photos. haha.
We really had a great time and that we called "The right time with the right friends at the right place." and we considered it as "Advance Celebretion for my Birthday"

This is my drink, it's "Sex on the beach" and we have additional name for it as "under the umbrella"

SATURDAY 17th, I got a call from a sweet friend from oversea. While i was on the phone Gina called me twice but i could not answer, then i called her back and she said Rath and her wanted to have lunch with me. So we went to Pizza company at Sorya Mall and we had different individual pasta. Oh forgot to mention that they got there before me, when i got there they gave me the left over cokey pipe. haha.
After lunch, we went to Gina's office to kill the time as that day i had class at 3pm. Rath and Gina enjoyed harvesting the on their Facebook Farmville, while i was taking a nap.......... and they took my pictures while i was asleep.
The girl in blue is Rath's friend we met there and invited her to join our table.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

First day at MBA class


One door closes, another open. At the meantime, the closed door also open again while i'm approaching the just opened door.

I have applied for a Master program at RULE French Cooperation program accredited by Lyon 2 France. The result for entrance exam released and my name was in alternative interview. I did not hope i would be selected. Not to waste time, i applied to EFI/CSU (Economic and Finance Institute accredited by Charles Sturt University of Australia. At the same time i also applied to PUC (Pannasastra Univeristy).

I got accepted at EFI/CSU and PUC. On Thursday this week, i got to interview at RULE and successfully granted the admission. Interestingly, semester starts today in the same week.

Today is my first day at school again after two years. It was also a busy day at work, i did not have lunch because i was a bit busy and i also expect to have dinner at school's canteen. Unfortunately, they are building a new building and removed the canteen, plus my classes started at 3pm until 8:30pm. I was starving and the last session ended almost at 9pm.

Anyway, i enjoyed my first day at school though my class was freezing and we did not have the AC remote control. Besides those silly matters, i liked my class environment and facilities, professors gave interactive lectures, classmates are friendly and nice to me. They students are smart and aggressive. I think there will be a lot of challenges and i already know who would be my competitors :-)

Believe it or not, though it is the first day but the Financial Accounting professor has already assigned students in to groups for chapter presentations. My group will be on 24th next two weeks. As for English lectorer Nec, he already gave us a messurement test for an hour and an essay for homework.

Oh i forgot to mention my busy class schedules. It's Monday to Friday in the evening from 5:30 to 8:30 and the whole day on Saturday and Sunday which it is supposed to be. However, for this semester it's from 3pm to 8:30pm for Saturday.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Entertainment I am up to


Hooray! I'm on a holiday now, but just off from work not that i'm on a trip :-(

However, I'm enjoy myself relaxing at home, watching movies, having fun with family, playing games. Having said that, let me introduce you to two online and xbox games I am playing.

JX2 the online game, currently it is so popular in Cambodia. We have a company operating the server.... however, it's still new and there are not many mission and promotion events on Cambodia server. Therefore, I'm playing Malaysia server :-D

Screenshot of my JX2 avatar "The Incredible CambodianSpencer"

Princes of Persia the video game for PS2 and Xbox. There are three versions of it, but i'm playing "Princes of Persia The Sands of Time" if I can finish it during this holiday i will play the second version which is "Prince of Persia The Two Thrones"

Guess what, there's a movie will be release in 2010 "Princes of Persia The Sands of Time" starred by "Jake Gyllenhaal" I am so looking forward to seeing the movie!!!
xbox Prince of Persia The Sands of Time version one, disk cover and screenshot.

Video of the game on youtube.

The movie photos.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Facebook is Evil"


Since my sticky friend has an iPhone, he has the instant accessibility to a lot of useful sources for developing and improving his personal, professional and even business.

Today I received from him of two "Must Read" articles. Thus, now i share you too.

Burglars using Facebook, Twitter to find Targets
Insurance company warns that social media sites give potential thieves important information.

"Coupled with the finding that an alarmingly high proportion of users are prepared to be 'friends' online with people they don't really know, this presents a serious risk to the security of people's home and contents," said the insurer.

Facebook Exodus
“The more dependent we allow ourselves to become to something like Facebook — and Facebook does everything in its power to make you more dependent — the more Facebook can and does abuse us,” Harmsen explained by indignant e-mail. “It is not ‘your’ Facebook profile. It is Facebook’s profile about you.”

“Postings that seem private can scatter and slip unpredictably into a sort of semipublic status.”

Wondering what's it about people saying above? Then you gotta read the article follow by this link:

Friday, August 28, 2009

If I tell you lie or truth...


Having seen the pictures what do you think? If I were to tell you he's my son, you don't believe because you know I lie about this. If I tell you the truth that he's my grand-nephew, of course, you find it's funny. But it's true, man! It's nice to have a grand-nephew while you are still young (",)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009



When i was a little boy i used to have a big aquarium at home. It was a 150cm by 50cm tank and i had many kinds of fish in an interesting decoration environment.... i wish i had keep a picture of it :-(

Now i happen to have an aquarium at again at my office. This one is a 70cm by 40cm tank, 8 red golden fish and 1 black.

Having an aquarium is like having a baby. You have to spend times taking care of them and feed them. The most boring thing to do is changing the water.

So sad that some of my fish are sick now. This picture are the anti-chlorine and sick pills for the fish. Hope it would save them!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Preah Vihear Temple 1-Year anniversary

TUESDAY, 07 JULY, 2009

I thought i would write a quite more detail one on my blog, but thing just doesn't always work as we expect. I'm now busy and lazy, not in a mood to write a long story. However, as a proud Cambodian i still have some photos to share.

Do you wonder why there are our flags everywhere? It's the one year anniversary that our Preah Vihear Temple has registered to UNISCO.

At most schools they had some activities like this one in the photo, their students stayed in front of the school singing some songs of the nation.

Every Sangkat gathered 100 people walking to the National Stadium. We had a concert there. If i went to the concert i would have had more interesting photos and videos to share. The concert was amazing. There were great performances and short opera about the history of our temple. I wonder how Thai could say it belong to them????? They event disobey UNISCO. I only know that they are brainwashing their new generation (believe me on this because i have relatives in Thailand).

Preah Vihear Temple view from the top.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Leadership Foundation


With strong effort to develop human resources in Cambodia and to promote mutual understanding between Cambodians and Japaneses, CJCC has performed its role as a communication and learning center for the two nations and others. For more than one year since the official inauguration, CJCC has conducted various business seminars, business training courses, Japanese language training courses, as well as Cambodia-Japan cultural exchange activities.

The Special Business Seminar that I attended this week: Leadership Foundation - Learn to be a leader by Mr. Bruce Flanagan, one of the prominent trainers from PESONA Co.,Ltd. has over 17 years of experiences as an executive leadership coach and international trainer in Asia and Australia. He is the founder of “The Leadership Coach” which recently embarked on a strategy of rapid expansion throughout each ASEAN country with Leadership Coaching; Leadership Training; Training professional coaches; ASEAN Business leaders breakfast; ASEAN Business Leaders Magazine, and Business Leaders Give Back Program. Mr. Bruce is a certified Meta-Coach and is also a master practitioner in Neuro-Semantics. He has extensive leadership experiences in coaching, in negotiating with governments, and in facilitating transformation.

  • Discovering Leadership
  • Unleashing Leadership
  • Core skills of Leaders
    - Direction setting: vision
    - Aligning people
    - Enabling and inspiring problem-solving
  • Core skills of Manager
  • Benchmark your leadership

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jerry's Birthday

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I had a strange feeling when I attended Jerry's birthday this evening. I felt like celebrating a birthday party is childish. I know it's normal to celebrate and have fun.... but, i don't know why i felt singing a birthday song, giving gift, the birthday cake.... they seem are children to me. I always had a present for Jerry each year, but this year I didn't buy him any gift. Instead, I just treated him lunch and SWENSEN's Ice Cream.

Having said that, it doesn't mean i don't like receiving gift. I love the way people giving present because it is sweet, but i am not materialistic. I don't love present but i just love the gesture.

The Super Choc Brownie at SWENSEN's Ice Cream. I bet you remember how good it was i mentioned in my old post.

Jerry, my best friend ever. We are like brothers, though he is my newphew and i'm the uncle (",)

Yuthysak, Jerry's son and that makes me become a grand-uncle (^.^)

The parents and the son.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Nice Glass Desk and Boss Chair in My Room

Thursday, 18 June, 2009

Guess what! i just got a nice glass office table together with a boss chair, yay! I love my room a lot. Just staying in my room, enjoy working on my laptop with acceptable internet connection, I can stay at home not to go anywhere (^0^)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gotta work out harder


Super Choc Brownie at SWENSEN'S
Two days in a row i ate big breakfast, big lunch and SWENSEN's Chocolate Ice Cream, and i did not get to go to my gym. I hope this evening nothing would come up and i could go to gym and work out hard (",)

Forgot to mention about the Super Choc Brownie at SWENSEN'S.......... who likes ice cream or chocolate, who gotta try this new menu cup. I like it a lot and i bet, so do you.

Anyway, I have been happy recently. My life seems tobe joyful. I have been more busy at work which means I have more works to do and be productive. I have a sticky friend and a glue friend (^.^)

TUESDAY, 26 MAY, 2009

This picture below was where i slept on 26th May. It's my office and i gotta sleep there alone. Do i sound pitty? Yeah, not to mention that i had a terrible nightmare. Please don't ask!

On the 26th May, the new(2rd) Mornivong bridge was opened for public use. They had a opening ceremony with the present of Priminister Hun Sen. For arrangement and security purposes, the roads access to both brigdes were blocked from 25th midnight to 26th 11AM. As a result, my sister, brother, the kids and I could not sleep at home or we could not come to work on the next day. So that they slept in a hotel, while i had to sleep in my office in the big building..... alone.... on the floor :-( .......... but it's alright!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2009

Second Sunday of May is the Mother’s day, but this year i had to do celebrate a bit late for some other reasons and schedules.

My sister is not as romantic and sweet as i am, but she is a great daughter though. She’s nice, kind and helpful, especially with finance. She went to the beach with her husband and the kids, though she gave me some money to help me to be able to celebrate the day for our parents.

I took my parents to Steve’s Stake House. My dad had Ostrich, my mom had Australian beef and i had New Zealand beef. What they liked the most was salad instead haha, and i liked mash potato as always.

After the dinner, i took them to Sky Bar, a bar on the rooftop of a 8-storey building. It is a nice and romantic place where you can enjoy the music and seeing the city view at night. Unfortunately, we could not enjoy there too long and the rain came. We had to move inside.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Khmer New Year 2009


This year my plans have not worked out as i planned or expected. Those plans were studies, scholarships, and even vacation plans. This Khmer New Year i have a week off and i planned to go to Laos but it wasn't possible. Then i changed the plan to go to Chiang Mai instead, but i could not go. The situation in Thailand is not safe because of the political protests. Plus Thai's troops coming into Cambodia's territory and the dispute at the Phrah Vihear Temple.

Finally, i changed my plan to go to Battambang with my parents and after that to go to Koh Kong with my cousins and their families.

It was a miscommunication, they did not go to Koh Kong for over night, but one night in Kompongsam and Koh Kong just a stop by. Therefore, i did not go with them though my parents and i already arrived at their house at 5 O'clock in the morning with our suitcase. We call our driver to come back and send us back home.

My cousins insisted us to go with them but my dad and I refused. They tried to convince my mom to go and they eventually came to pick her up. My mom was lucky, at Koh Kong she met my other cousins and her family whose plan to stay over night at Koh Kong, so that my mom joined them instead.

As for me, staying at home palying JX2 online game around the clock. Sometimes hang out with Jerry at his house and at a cafe, that's all.

Anyway, I had a good time with my parents in Battambang though. Battambang is my beloved province where i was born, though we moved to Phnom Penh since i was a month old. Seeing the old places and relatives, and eating fantastic kinds of food in the province, makes me feel so peaceful and love.

In this picture belove, the first one is the night street food court where we can enjoy delicious snack and cheap price as very simple life. The second picture is my ant's house. She sells many thing at her house, you can find anything like toys, medicines, stationery, some electrical products, sport balls, snacks, fuel, costmetic products, cassette music and even dogs. We called it a one-stop-shop.

Phnom Sompov (ship mountain). The picture on the right, is a huge statue of the mountain heigh under construction. It's there since the last time i went there was 5 years ago. I think they leave it there because lack of fund.

The old gate in this picture below has a scary story. It had been tried to bring down but everyone who did so died. So now they have to leave it there for good.
Boeng Kam Pinh Puoy one of the tourist attractions in Battambang.
In Battambang there are very few gyms and they are very expensive. The place i went to in these photos was 10,000R per entery for gym, and 6,000R for swimming. In Phnom Penh the gym i go to is only 1,000R and swimming pool is various of 2$ to 3$.
Island boat in Pusath.
Cambodian dry food.
I found this picture is very interesting. This is the old statue which was replaced to the current one which you can see in the top picture of this post.