Sunday, June 28, 2009

Leadership Foundation


With strong effort to develop human resources in Cambodia and to promote mutual understanding between Cambodians and Japaneses, CJCC has performed its role as a communication and learning center for the two nations and others. For more than one year since the official inauguration, CJCC has conducted various business seminars, business training courses, Japanese language training courses, as well as Cambodia-Japan cultural exchange activities.

The Special Business Seminar that I attended this week: Leadership Foundation - Learn to be a leader by Mr. Bruce Flanagan, one of the prominent trainers from PESONA Co.,Ltd. has over 17 years of experiences as an executive leadership coach and international trainer in Asia and Australia. He is the founder of “The Leadership Coach” which recently embarked on a strategy of rapid expansion throughout each ASEAN country with Leadership Coaching; Leadership Training; Training professional coaches; ASEAN Business leaders breakfast; ASEAN Business Leaders Magazine, and Business Leaders Give Back Program. Mr. Bruce is a certified Meta-Coach and is also a master practitioner in Neuro-Semantics. He has extensive leadership experiences in coaching, in negotiating with governments, and in facilitating transformation.

  • Discovering Leadership
  • Unleashing Leadership
  • Core skills of Leaders
    - Direction setting: vision
    - Aligning people
    - Enabling and inspiring problem-solving
  • Core skills of Manager
  • Benchmark your leadership


  1. its true.. its eveyones busness.victoria

  2. People skills.. real struggle for new managers.
