Friday, December 5, 2008

One email makes it up for all


This week has not been a good time.... I have been in a few tough situations, plus, so are my friends. That put me 6 feet underground. So down!

However, this morning when I got right in my office and checked my email, I received a great email which made it up for all the unhappy situation I have been in to. I am applying for a scholarship that provides fund to cover my MBA academic program. The scholarship requires to apply with a Letter of Acceptance from a university of choice. Then I applied to University of Business and Finance Switzerland.

What I receive is more than I expected. I hoped to be accepted by the school so that i can apply for the scholarship. Moreover, not only i am accepted by the university, but i also got a scholarship offered by the university of 8,000CHF (8425USD). It is the biggest or first prize of the scholarship that the university offers. That is not too big though!

First step was successfully passed. Since I can not afford to cover the rest amount of the fee and expenses. Now the next step is to submit the Letter of Acceptance and apply for a scholarship that provides fund to cover all the cost for the whole program.

I am not rich and I can't afford for my study, but I desire to further my education!!! I only can pray and hope to be awarded for the scholarship.


  1. Hey Dude. Just wanna drop by and say congrats... Keep up the good work. Switzerland is sure a very nice place and an excellent educational experience. Keep us updated.

    Your friend, Dara

  2. Hey Dude,
    congrat.! and how could you apply for it, did you apply directly to the school or you do other things first?

    I am proud of you cac effort till you reach your goal.

  3. Thank guys for your comments.

    I am applying for OFID scholarhsip who provides fund for master degree. To be eligible to the scholarship you have to be accepted from a university of your choice. So i applying for University of Business and Finance Switzerland, because it's a good school cooperated with University of Wales.

    Anyway, i just found out that the fee at the Swiss school is a bit expensive than Auz and UK.
