Over the last week of the year, I had a lot of fun times. Christmas party at my friends' house, my nephew's wedding in Siem Reap, Hang out with many of our relatives, Reunion lunch with my university friends, New Year's Eve beach party with relatives and new friends who mostly are girls, Big relatives dinner at Le President last night, there were 5 tables all of our relatives. actually there were more than 50 of us. After the dinner they continued to Karaoke, but I did not join because I had to work on the next day.
Wednesday 31, after a half day work at the office, I had lunch with my UC friends at Sorya Mall. From the left to right: Rath, Sim, Jenny, Sochan, Spencer, Gina and Kits but he's behind the camera.
We enjoyed the lunch, talking, catching up with each other. After the lunch we continued to Swensens Ice-cream. I loved it! The ice-cream was the most delicious and i enjoyed it a lot, because Gina paid for us. hehe
After lunch and ice cream, i got a call from Khieng my nephew who's from France. He wanted to hang out. Once we met and gathered together with four of us, we talked about beach party which my neice Hong who's from USA mentioned to us on the bus on the way back from Siem Reap on Monday. We did not plan to join but then we decided to join them in Sihanukville. It was 3PM already but we still go without a plan and taking anything with us, but small amount of money that we had in our wallets.
The fire works for sales. Lots and lots of them!
We really enjoyed the road trip all the way from Phnom Penh to Sihanukville. We got there at 7PM. There were so many people there on the beahes. It was hard to get a spot to park our car, and we could not get a place to sleep. All guesshouses and hotels were full and the price three times increased. We gave up looking for it and headed to the beach and join the girls. There were.... oops! i did not count, but there were about 20 of us, mostly were girls hehe. (note that they are pretty and cute)
After countdown, we were there dancing until 2AM. We then drove around looking for a hotel, thinking if we could not get one we would not boder to sleep. Fortunately, we got a guesshouse which their price normally 10$, but that night it was 60$. Were we lucky or what? However, got a place to shower and sleep well.
Along the beach there were many of this. They were creative and i liked those.
Now enjoy these four videos of the activities on the beach.... countdown and fireworks.
In this video, we rotating the bottle, who this bottle points at will have to drink, sometimes empty their glass.
Unfortunately, i don't drink alcohol and i was behind the camera, so that i was kicked out.
On the Thursday 1st in the evening, we had reunion dinner with many of our relatives who come from different countries such France, New Zeland, USA. It was wonderful to gather with many of our relatives.
In this video are my nieces and nephews.
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