This evening Mark invited us (my sister and her husband, and i) for dinner at a high class restaurant "La Residence Restaurant"
It's a high class and of course expensive place with great atmosphere, design, great food with nice decoration and a famous Jazz band from Paris, "Philippe Javelle and Richard Bolsson"
The dinner was nice, delicious food, interesting conversation and stuffs.
This is my order "Grilled Sirloin Steak"
I always love potato and beef, especially "Mass Potato and Steak of medium cooked" Ermmmmm!
My dessert "Pudding of chocolate and pistachio mousse"
Wondering what my drink was? Of course "Coke Light" as always.
Now time to talk about humiliation. Don't worry, it did not happen at the restaurant or i will never go there again. It's about my car..... again! The water tank leaking. While driving back home i heard the sound of water boiling, then i looked at the temperature meter... wow OMG! it was almost 100C. I then quickly gave indicators light and pull over. Opened the car head, thick smoke flied in to the air covering everything and i could not see. On the way trying to reach home, i had to stop and fill the water every 5 minutes. Therefore, i had to drive very fast challenging the time and the temperature increasing.
If i do not miss a number, i stopped and refilled the water 7 times until i got home. Hey, i'm living in my wonderful home country with helpful and kind people. I always got help, at least there is someone stop by and asks if i am alright. I got the water from every place i stopped.
Hey I am not doing privacy, I am holding my camera trying to take a photo of the entrance cave in front of me. I just had an adventure last week in Kampot province. I went to caves in two mountain which was an amazing experience that i have never done before. The caves i went to are in two mountains. Caves in Phnom Chgnok (Phnom Chhnork as it written in Lonely Planet book) are the most impressive, and Phnom Sor (Phnom Sorsia as written in quidebook).
Phnom Chgnok is from Kampot about 10km. Take the road to Kep and veer left after the short one way section. There are local kids guided us with a torch, however we brought a few of ours which are better than theirs and they loved our torches.
PhnomSor is another cave complex 13.5km from Kampot.
If you wanna go to the caves, don't forget to bring a torch, good mountain boots, and stay diet at least two weeks before then. Because the holes in the caves are small and you have to crawl like a lizard.
It was a wonderful trip and experiences, that i hardly can describe by writting. So now you see the pictures........... I know you will say wow!
Firstly, let me express myself. I am thankful for you, my friends who always care to keep update with me as well as reading my blog. I appreciate that! I am excited to write this post about my best friend Jerry (actually he's my nephew), of his achievement and the success of his business. I am so proud of him as a young businessman, or I may say "businessboy" (",)
On the 27th of December, he arranged an event at Phnom Penh Hotel. It was about his company Eurotech Drinking Water is certified for ISO 9001:2000, the International Production Quality
So sad that I could not attend the event, because on that day I had to go to Siem Reap to attend another of my nephew's wedding. However, I helped him for some tasks also. We always help each other, and treat for lunch or dinner. Anyway, it's not about treating but we just love to hang out. hehe. Most of the time I help him with graphic designs, and he helps me for IT. That are our specialists of skills :-)
My Scottist best friend Daniel, also involved in the help for the event. During the event, they played a video of their production at their factory, which in the video Daniel was a presenter. The video was made about one year ago, but we just got to see it now. It is funny that in the video, Daniel was sounded in Khmer language. Please see the video at the below of this blog.
Now let me give a brief description about the event agenda: 1- The event starts at 4PM for guests registration 2- GM of the Eurotech company gives a welcome speech and begins the event 3- During the reception, there were performances of singing, dancing and catwalk 4- Guests can join fun games to win some prizes 5- GM gives introduction of the company, products and ISO certification 6- Withdrawing lucky draws, there are 50 prizes. The biggest prizes are Refrigerator and 29" Color TV
Alright, now enjoy the photos and videos below with description!
During Jerry's speech, he showed the video of Eurotech production on a large screen. You can see the video(s) on the bottom of this blog.
My best friend Jerry, the GM of Eurotech Drinking Water company, giving his speech and impressed the audiences with his products. In the right photo are the MCs of the event.
The guests had chances to win a prize out of the 50 prizes. The prizes included Refrigerator, 29" TV, Cooler, Cookers, Digital Cameras.....and so and so.
In the middle is Mark, my friend and GM at my company. The pretty girl on the right, is Jerry's youngest sister in law.
Do you notice the standee picture at the back? It's me and my sister. hehe. There are many of my pictures everywhere during the event. Those standees, will be placed in front of shops in Phnom Penh after the event.Yay!
There were girl models performed catwalk and showing Eurotech's products. In the next photo, is the Singaporean man from ISO organization giving his speech in English and Chandravy translating. She is Jerry's wife. Not forget to mention that she's pregnant, yay! I will have a grand nephew!!! (@.@)
During the reception, there were singers and dancers performing to entertain the guests.
Over the last week of the year, I had a lot of fun times. Christmas party at my friends' house, my nephew's wedding in Siem Reap, Hang out with many of our relatives, Reunion lunch with my university friends, New Year's Eve beach party with relatives and new friends who mostly are girls, Big relatives dinner at Le President last night, there were 5 tables all of our relatives. actually there were more than 50 of us. After the dinner they continued to Karaoke, but I did not join because I had to work on the next day.
Wednesday 31, after a half day work at the office, I had lunch with my UC friends at Sorya Mall. From the left to right: Rath, Sim, Jenny, Sochan, Spencer, Gina and Kits but he's behind the camera.
We enjoyed the lunch, talking, catching up with each other. After the lunch we continued to Swensens Ice-cream. I loved it! The ice-cream was the most delicious and i enjoyed it a lot, because Gina paid for us. hehe
After lunch and ice cream, i got a call from Khieng my nephew who's from France. He wanted to hang out. Once we met and gathered together with four of us, we talked about beach party which my neice Hong who's from USA mentioned to us on the bus on the way back from Siem Reap on Monday. We did not plan to join but then we decided to join them in Sihanukville. It was 3PM already but we still go without a plan and taking anything with us, but small amount of money that we had in our wallets.
The fire works for sales. Lots and lots of them!
We really enjoyed the road trip all the way from Phnom Penh to Sihanukville. We got there at 7PM. There were so many people there on the beahes. It was hard to get a spot to park our car, and we could not get a place to sleep. All guesshouses and hotels were full and the price three times increased. We gave up looking for it and headed to the beach and join the girls. There were.... oops! i did not count, but there were about 20 of us, mostly were girls hehe. (note that they are pretty and cute)
After countdown, we were there dancing until 2AM. We then drove around looking for a hotel, thinking if we could not get one we would not boder to sleep. Fortunately, we got a guesshouse which their price normally 10$, but that night it was 60$. Were we lucky or what? However, got a place to shower and sleep well.
Along the beach there were many of this. They were creative and i liked those.
Now enjoy these four videos of the activities on the beach.... countdown and fireworks.
In this video, we rotating the bottle, who this bottle points at will have to drink, sometimes empty their glass. Unfortunately, i don't drink alcohol and i was behind the camera, so that i was kicked out.
On the Thursday 1st in the evening, we had reunion dinner with many of our relatives who come from different countries such France, New Zeland, USA. It was wonderful to gather with many of our relatives.