Once in a while we invite some of our relatives come over for BBQ. This evening kind of pretty bigger than usual. We had about 20 people including the kids and teens... approximately 25 without accounting the hosts.
From one to another arriving at 7PM bringing along with soft drinks, wine, beer and food. What made us happy not only that we met each other, but also they like our BBQ and enjoyed the atmosphere, and the kids and teens had fun with the swings, biking and the playground.
Usually when it comes to have many people, groups will be created itself. What funny was that every table or group i joined, i always hear they talking about Marrying, Engagement, Groom and Bride... and they asked me about my age and status. The funniest was that they don't believe that i'm single. They said my face, my job.... unreasonably that i have no girlfriend. They don't know that i'm actually unlovely, and too young in the career. I'm not successful yet in both goals for higher education, career and love :-(
Anyway, at least when i'm with our relatives, they make me feel warm and proud of myself for no reason. I don't know!
There are three big cars in the photo. You can guess how many people there would be, hehe.
Our house-helpers must have been happy to receive big tips from different people. I guess at least they got half of their salary just that night.
There were many topics in the conversations and groups, but there was one topic i always heard in every table.
I guess same topic again. haha
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