Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Upset-->Hold back-->Give up-->Relieved-->Happy-->Proud


Over the last weeks i have been stressful and doubt for many reasons. Plus unhappy and nervous. Moreover, my friend also has problems due to his personal issues. This also makes me sad for him, but i can not do anything for help. What i can do is giving him company and make him happy when we hang out/in.
Fortunately, my problem is solved though it's not a good result. I gave up, i now feel relieved and the problem is ended. And i will never get myself in to this trouble again.

Instead, today i'm happy and proud of myself. I realized that, achieving my career which is one of my goals is in progress.

The service company i work for, is opening another new trading company and we are moving to our new and bigger building in September this year. Though the architecture of the building is designed by a designer, 45% of the design has been changed by me and approved. That included the front office counter and administrator's counter are designed by me. Furthermore, all of the civil works of the building and electrical have been monitored and supervised by me.
The building is now 85% completed and we will move in on 15th next month. I'm so excited! However, i'm worried that something could interrupt my vacation as we will move in just one week before i will take leave.

Stop right there Spencer! You are talking to much!
Alright, what i've been talking above doesn't mean i'm too proud.... well.... maybe a little but i'm happy and i want to give suggestions to everyone when you feel upset. Please don't be! Don't stuck with the problem! Though you should fight and solve it, but not every problem can be resolved. Sometimes you'd better give up and focus on succeeding other things. When you are unhappy, think about the other things that make you happy or you are happy with. When you are not satisfied with your life, look at the life whose is worse than yours. Then you will realize you are luckier and appreciate with what you have.

The present picture of our new office building which is under renovation.

The original building.

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Amazing Housekeeper


This evening when i just opened my door, i could smell a light and sweet smell from inside of my room. I knew it was the smell of jasmine which my housekeeper sometimes put them on the head of my bed. But i didn't see the flowers there this time and i wondered where the smell came from.

After scouting around, i discovered a bunch of jasmines in my transparency vase of artificial flowers in my bathroom.
Wow! i like the idea of placing the jasmines in my bathroom, not only they spread the smell over the bathroom and bedroom, but it also look nice on the sink nearby the mirror which makes us can see more of them.

I would call her, My Amazing Housekeeper..... oh wait a minute!!! She picked the flowers from our garden.......!!!.......she would have ruined our garden! Those butterflies will be upset by tomorrow. haha.

A bunch of jasmines in my transparency vase of artificial flowers with water.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Fruit-Vegetable-Meat Lunch


Yesterday I had lunch at Boddhi Tree Aram near the Royal Palace. It's annoying that I couldn't remember the name of the dish I had. It was fantastic and such a very healthy dish. It mixes up with fruit, vegetable, chicken, and bread altogether.
I have tried many different food, including western and Asian food. But i just think they are good, great or delicious. This time was wonderful and impressive. I like it a lot, will probably have it again for sure when I happen to go there again.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Dance at Warming House


Since i got hooked up with YouTube i have the idea of posting videos there to share Culture, Events, Tradition and so on. Now i just uploaded a video which i made since August 2006 at our "Warming House Party" The party was also for our staff's "Year End Party"

In the video I'm dancing Tango which i don't know how to. It was so funny! After that it is the Khmer Pop Dance "Saravan"

Monday, August 4, 2008

Friends Come Over


I usually go to my Mom's room and have a Mother and Son talk almost every night before i go to my room. She always hears all about me and also about my close/good friends, but she has not met all of them yet.
On Sunday, i invited four of my female friends come over to my house, who were my classmates and Gina my former lecturer who as if my Filipino mom. However, only Rath and Gina could came. The others, one was busy and another one wanted to earn credit from her mother by staying at home.

In this picture, we are playing Scrabble. Gina was the winner, she got 130 scores. I got 129 and Rath 108 the loser haha.

Nice pose in our impressive garden which was designed by my sister and I ;-)

We are mixing the powder to bake a chocolate cake.

I'm putting the mixed powder into the oven. It was supposed to be hit for 30 minutes, but it took us for one hour because we put too much water and vegetable oil, plus i didn't have pre-hit the oven.

While hitting the cake we play badminton. Rath left us alone to talk on the phone for hours since we were playing the Scrabble.

The cake took us so long that was why we had time picking the mangoes. Gina likes eating mango with shrimp a lot.

Alright, here we go! The yummy chocolate cake. Ummm!

Even we took one hour, the cake still was not baked enough. Nevertheless, it was still yummy.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Relative Talk VS Barbecue


Once in a while we invite some of our relatives come over for BBQ. This evening kind of pretty bigger than usual. We had about 20 people including the kids and teens... approximately 25 without accounting the hosts.

From one to another arriving at 7PM bringing along with soft drinks, wine, beer and food. What made us happy not only that we met each other, but also they like our BBQ and enjoyed the atmosphere, and the kids and teens had fun with the swings, biking and the playground.

Usually when it comes to have many people, groups will be created itself. What funny was that every table or group i joined, i always hear they talking about Marrying, Engagement, Groom and Bride... and they asked me about my age and status. The funniest was that they don't believe that i'm single. They said my face, my job.... unreasonably that i have no girlfriend. They don't know that i'm actually unlovely, and too young in the career. I'm not successful yet in both goals for higher education, career and love :-(

Anyway, at least when i'm with our relatives, they make me feel warm and proud of myself for no reason. I don't know!
There are three big cars in the photo. You can guess how many people there would be, hehe.

Our house-helpers must have been happy to receive big tips from different people. I guess at least they got half of their salary just that night.

There were many topics in the conversations and groups, but there was one topic i always heard in every table.

I guess same topic again. haha

Friday, August 1, 2008

American Band Sings Khmer Songs


Recently there's an American boy band, Muk (
octopus) become well known because they can speak well Khmer and sing most of our famous songs that sang by a famous singer named Sen Sisamuth. He passed away long time ago, but his voice and his songs are still famous.

The video is the American band performed on CTN on the 17th of July.