On the above date, i attended a workshop about "Maintaining Development into WTO" which was organized by Economy Institute of Cambodia (EIC) and supported by CUTS International. It was great that the workshop took place at Cambodiana Hotel which is a 5 stars class.
I enjoyed it a lot, not only that i liked the 5 stars hotel services but also had that opportunity to join such a formal and educational event. At the beginning i was kinda nervous too actually. I was guided to sit at the first row next to the panel.
It was a whole day workshop from 8:30 to 5:00. There was two coffee breaks and lunch at the hotel.
The topics on that day were:
1- "Cambodia's Economy WTO accession after 5 years" by Mr. Neou Seiha, Senior Researcher, Economic Institute of Cambodia.
2- "Aid for Trade/Trade SWAP" by Mr. Hang Sochivin, Ministry of Commerce.
3- "Integrating Cambodia's Development Strategy into Multi-Trade Strategy" by Mr. Tekreth Samrach, Council of Minister.
4- "Cambodia Global Economy and Commodity Prices" by Mrs. Kim Natacha, Editor-in-Chief of Economics Today Magazine.
5- "Trade and Poverty Reduction" by Mr. Neou Seiha.
At the end of each session we had discussion and Q&A.
Gina and the other students in the conference room.

Me and Sochan my old friend from the university. We are getting along well recently and hang out sometimes.

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