Sunday, July 6, 2008

Impressive Rolling Store

SUNDAY, JULY 06, 2008

This morning i ended up with being my mom's driver for a whole morning. No complaining though she only can out at the weekend with my dad, sometimes me if dad is not available.

We went to my cousin's shop to buy some groceries. Interestingly, i saw a lady pushing her rolling store in front of me and i couldn't help taking a photo of her impressive life. On her rolling store she has many kinds of vegetable and meat that you can buy and enough to cook for your main meals. We may say her rolling store is a market!

My Cousin is the lady's regular customer i guess. Because the lady pushing her rolling store in front of her house everyday.

These pictures below were taken by my 5 years old niece. Doubt that she can operate the camera!

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