Depart from Phnom Penh to Takeo province on the national road number 2, Chisor mountain is in the south of Phnom Penh about 52km. Phnom Chisor is constructed in brick of clay and stones, girders and frame are sculptured in wills. The mountain possesses registrations dated of the 11th century, and was called Suryagiri. There are about 400 stairs to reach the top of the mountain.
The first impressive photo i got on the trip was this below. I had to stop my car and took photos of this funny food for eyes.
You ever seen Cambodian villagers move their house? Here's how they do it!
The villagers are moving there house by putting it on a cart and about ten men were trying to pull it.
I'm taking your photo. Smile!

400 stars to go to the top of the mountain surrounding by beautiful green plants.
A big statue of Buddha.
Having fun climbing on the rocks.
Four angles.
A couple of 7-head Dragon.
Another couple of 7-head Dragon.
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