I seem have a sense of prediction. When I would do something or going to somewhere which it should be exciting and fun, but I don’t feel right before that. It would not happen as exciting or fun as it is supposed to be. I noticed that all the time.
It’s Khmer New Year holiday, Daniel and I bought a promotion package for Kirirom Hillside Resort. The package cost 140$ for staying in a Bungalow for two nights, which included: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, Swimming, Steam, Sauna, Basketball, Tennis Court, Canoeing & Horse-riding.
My sense of prediction wasn't very wrong. We did enjoy the vacation a lot and have a lot of fun, though not as much as we expected. Daniel was sick on the second day and we stayed in our house didn't go to the waterfall as we have planed.
I always wanted to take pictures of these pigeons, now i had the chance. There are a lot of them always come in front of the Royal Palace every early morning from 6:30 to 8:00 then they will be gone.
We had our breakfast at a small restaurant which was so expensive than it should be and the food was not delicious at all. We will not go there again!
After the unsatisfied breakfast we started our road trip to Kirirom Hillside Resort.
It was a nice road trip along the national road number 4.
I enjoyed the road trip and I drove slowly that take us three hours to get to the place, whereas it usually takes only two hours.
When we arrived we were happy that there was no car at the parking and at the parking for resident there were only two cars including ours. However, we were not happy with the resort arrangement. They were not prepared, there were extra mattress in our house that they hadn’t yet removed, the AC remote control’s batteries were dead, our coupons for meals and entertainment activities were not ready to hand out. The delay led us to have our lunch after 1PM. The Paradise Café where we had our lunch ran out ice that we need as the weather was so hot.
Nevertheless, we did have a good time together and played lots of fun activities.
A walkway where there’s beautiful natural view on both sides.

Dinosaur Park

It’s sad that nobody ever gave tip to the staff. When I gave tip to the man who takes care canoe place, he was surprised and so happy.
A kid park is also a fun place for adults.
A poor monkey in the zoo
The bungalow which we stayed.
Having lunch at Paradise Café where the ice ran out.
No comment! ha ha
This horse is skinny and we didn't ride him.
We didn’t want to ride this poor skinny horse. We was about to leave then there was a guy come with the other two horses that looked healthier. Though we didn’t ride them a lot, because we think they were tired and I gave tip to the guy who taking cares the horses and our riding. We were happy to see the guy was happy and so was the hores.
When we went to get tennis equipment, we met Ms. Sosen a sister of my former lecturer Nep. She looks like Nep a lot then i asked if she has a brother Nep.... Yeah! She's the sister. After that we got her attention a lot and i could even get some medicines for Daniel from her.
We are not good at playing tennis but taking photos ha ha
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