Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What should i do? When can i give up?


Everyone hears the word "Keep trying and never give up!" I've been trying and i have not gave up yet, but the question is "How far do i have to keep going?"

I've been putting so much effort but nothing in return. I have a lot of plans, but each related to one another and i can't activate any one of them unless one of the results is positive. If no result or the result is not positive, i can't do anything but wait.

I'm tired of fighting and planning but can't take in to action and have to wait! I'm sick of waiting for "NOW DO IT!"

I know today i'm sad and i'm disappointed. But only today!
I will be trying to be better, looking forward and never give up! But please let me be angry and complain for today.

Is there a miracle? is there a God? is there a Buddha? Show me now!!! Let me know that i can believe in you. Let me know that you are exist!

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