Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lebanese Restaurant


This week Mark and I went to a fancy restaurant so that we had dinner instead of lunch. This time was different, very different, we went to a Lebanese restaurant, the one closed to Malaysian embassy. While waiting for Mark, i met Chris and Victoria and their kids stopped by. I like the conversation we had and little catch up. I'm glad the kids called my name. They remember me, yay! I love to have them meet my nieces, they must like each other a lot, but i wonder how to do that. My nieces speak Khmer and French, while Charis and Ilana speak English....

Honestly, I have never heard about Lebanese and i've never seen the flag even once. Now i got to eat at a Lebanese restaurant and saw their flag.... i think it's a strange flag with a Christmas tree.
The place was nice and fancy, but the food was so different and strange, it was not too bad at all though.
We sat on the rooftop where was an open space. The sky was about to rain, it was windy and cold. I love the before rain weather a lot :-)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine Party


Valentine's day used to be a normal day for me, but this year my friends Victoria and Chris made it special for me. They celebrated a party had a theme of LOVE, and they used the Bible to teach the true meaning of Love combined with the games we played.
We had food and played many pair games such, Egg spoon race, Ballon toss, Bobbling for apple, Combining letters, Link up and Pictionary.

It was great, exciting and it was nice to meet our friends again after haven't seen each other for awhile. It's always a chance to meet new friend(s).

Egg spoon race, this game teaches us how to be patient because we can't be rush or we could drop the egg and lose the game. Which means Love is patient.

Ballon toss, we have to be kind and catch the water balloon gently, otherwise we would break the balloon and get wet. This teaches us how to be kind which means Love is kind.

Bobbling for apple, using your mouth to get the apple. It looks easy but then we had to get your head in the water in order to be able to bite the apple. This was when i got my head and shirt wet!

Link up, we have to stand up together by pushing your back against your partner. This how to work together and care of each other. Love is to care and be together.

Combing letters, Chris called for a word and we had to find the letters and form up to the word.

Pictionary, Steve tells your partner a word and your partner will draw the picture then you guess the word. This how you learn to understand each other (^.^)

This is a flowers whole seller in front of my office. These people come to get the flowers to sell on the Valentine's day! Thousands and thousands of roses were sold on the occasion. Wow!