Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Greeting from Kevin's family

Happy Holiday and Best Wishes to everyone for the coming new year!

from Kevin's family.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

林志強 (Kevin) on his One Year Birthday


Kevin's first year birthday celebration at Jen Bao chinese restaurant, Diamond Island.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Some of Our Family Times


Random pics from our family times with my son Kevin.
Finding photos to upload in this post i just realize that there's no a pic of my dad. He really stand in front of a camera hehe

On Mother's Day

At my sister's house

Kevin taking care of his grandma

At my parent's house

At DQ Riverside

At home

At Business Monkey

At Dream Land

Kid Zone in Dream Land

Merry Go Round in Dream Land

Monday, October 8, 2012

What the heck has happened?


The pic below i took it in Caltex's restroom along national road #4 near PPSEZ.

I couldn't believe what i saw. On the wall by the urinal there was a sign says "Used for Urinate Only"

It must has been used in the wrong way!!? Who has been that idiot? However, it must has happened that is why they post the sign haha

Sunday, July 22, 2012

From my YouTube

Well... selective videos from my youtube :-)

Hope you enjoy!

Random Photos of Keven (林志強)

It has been for a long time that i didn't have time or in the mood of blogging. Today i let my parents go to the theater to see the Chayavoramon 7th Show and my wife and I take care Keven at home.

This is our first time to be with him just two of us at night. I hope he would not miss my mom too much and cry none stop. Otherwise, we have to call my parents back home hehe...

Anyway, as a result, today i can blog. Nothing much to say but post some pictures of my baby boy.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kevin's first porridge

SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2012

Today Kevin turns to 7 months sharp. We made vegetable porridge for him for the first time.

Thanks to my friend for the gift, it's a set of useful tools for the baby.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Couple 2nd Trip is further than 1st the Trip

Last week for the King's Birthday was the public holiday. It was such a good combination of celebration occasion.

Sunday was mother's day and we celebrated for our parents at NAGA World. Then Monday we went to Vietnam for a couple trip for 3 days.

We did enjoy it a lot, such a peaceful freedom independent and enjoyable trip.

We already have the next plan for our couple retreat which we will go further than Vietnam :-)

Experiencing the daily life of theirs.... hop on the bus from Ban Tanh to Siu Tieng only 5,000 Dong. so cheap!
if by taxi will be 1,025,000 Dong
In the snow castle
French Baguet... seeing this pic makes me feel hungry and miss the taste.

Laser Zone

3D movie. We went to see 3 movies during our stay in VN hehe

母亲节 Mother's day 2012

Mother's day this year i had two celebration. One at VMT Station with my family in law, and one at NAGA World with my family for my parents and mother in law.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Master Graduation Day

After a very hard time and effort for two years. Now I graduated for the Master degree from the program of IAE of two business school in France Lille and Lyon2.

However, as it's a french curriculum the two certificates from both school are in french and i could understand only the academic year, master and my name. That's way funny!

Master Degree from Lille, France

Master Degree from Lyon2, France

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What first catch your eyes?

I think most men will see the girl at the background at first :-)

Anyway, in this pic was where my wife and i enjoyed the relaxing day on the beach.