Saturday, June 11, 2011

Our Intercultural Wedding

Our Intercultural Wedding

成 邱佳菁

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January 02, 2011 the wedding of ours, the official precious day that we become a husband and wife.

Now enjoy our wedding web site, video, and photos sharing below (^^,)

The web site:

The video:

The photos:

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

To blog again when...


The last time i blogged was in December 2010, such
a long time, isn't it? But life is seem to be busier than I ever had a thought of.

Now I just back to work and it is a full-time job. Sometimes i work from the morning to evening, either miss my lunch or unable to go home for lunch, thus, i usually abuse my wallet :-(
Besides, the job i am still doing my master degree and it consumes a lot of my night time and weekends, because i'm in the last semester now. There are a lot assignments and exams, the main one is the final report and defense in front of professors from the school in France, Lyon2 and Lille.

However, I enjoy my busy life, though sometimes i have to hangout with my friends or colleagues for assignment or work until mid night.

I think what makes me happy and enjoy is not exactly because of being busy, because i can feel i have the freedom and independent even though i'm a married guy.

Some of the married guys lost their freedom and miss their single lives, and those guys usually tend to tell a lie to get their freedom.

My message for all couples: "Trust each other, have no doubt, give each other freedom. Use the freedom in the right way which wouldn't lose your spouse's trust"

The more you suspect and give less freedom to your spouse, the more annoying you are. Then.... of course the love is fading away.