Hello my friends and readers. I know it has been awhile that i haven't written my blog, but time passes very quickly and life is getting busier.
However, i have a good news to share with you. Another reason that i have been busy beside my studies and career, is that i met my lady and we are in love. Actually, i could have had posted a lot of update and photos of us, but to respect her and our privacy.... i wouldn't expose too much on the internet (ˆˆ,) though i know my good friends out there is excited and happy for me to hear this news, right? Thanks you guys for being my good friends over the years and being supportive. I miss everyone and hope to see you one day soon.
By the way, today i'm blogging about a nice gesture that our company has done for young students and i have this chance to participate. Today we provided a training to 30 students from PSE (Pour un Sourire d’Enfant).
PSE is an NGO for orphanage. Its full name is in french which is Pour un Sourire d’Enfant, in khmer is អង្គការដើម្បីភាពញញឹមន័យកុមារ. Our company the EUROTECH is having a strategy in Social Activities. At this time we have a participation with PSE which allow us the opportunity to help those students to gain experiences of what they have learned in school for real case. I am personally very grateful to be assigned in this responsibility which provide me the chance to do something good for the poors and orphans.
If you are interested to see more photos and update about our company's activities, pls visit our interactive web page at www.eurotechfans.com and if you are a facebooker pls click on "like" icon on the page to become our fans. Once you become our fans, you will receive notifications of all our updates or posts such Photos, Videos, New Promotion, Events, Training and more....