Wednesday, July 22, 2009



When i was a little boy i used to have a big aquarium at home. It was a 150cm by 50cm tank and i had many kinds of fish in an interesting decoration environment.... i wish i had keep a picture of it :-(

Now i happen to have an aquarium at again at my office. This one is a 70cm by 40cm tank, 8 red golden fish and 1 black.

Having an aquarium is like having a baby. You have to spend times taking care of them and feed them. The most boring thing to do is changing the water.

So sad that some of my fish are sick now. This picture are the anti-chlorine and sick pills for the fish. Hope it would save them!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Preah Vihear Temple 1-Year anniversary

TUESDAY, 07 JULY, 2009

I thought i would write a quite more detail one on my blog, but thing just doesn't always work as we expect. I'm now busy and lazy, not in a mood to write a long story. However, as a proud Cambodian i still have some photos to share.

Do you wonder why there are our flags everywhere? It's the one year anniversary that our Preah Vihear Temple has registered to UNISCO.

At most schools they had some activities like this one in the photo, their students stayed in front of the school singing some songs of the nation.

Every Sangkat gathered 100 people walking to the National Stadium. We had a concert there. If i went to the concert i would have had more interesting photos and videos to share. The concert was amazing. There were great performances and short opera about the history of our temple. I wonder how Thai could say it belong to them????? They event disobey UNISCO. I only know that they are brainwashing their new generation (believe me on this because i have relatives in Thailand).

Preah Vihear Temple view from the top.